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Why Vita Biosa?

Why Vita Biosa?

Jul 05, 2023

Papri Modak

Unlike other probiotics that might contain a few strains of beneficial bacteria, and sometimes prebiotics to aid their efficacy, Vita Biosa provides a complex ecosystem of live, active probiotics.

Think of it this way, imagine parachuting into the desert with a few ration packs, versus taking an air-conditioned, fully serviced flight, direct to a self-sustaining resort…that’s the difference.

Vita Biosa is a unique combination of pre-, pro-, and post-biotics. That’s a fancy way of saying that it has beneficial bacteria to help your gut and overall health (probiotics), along with the foods that they feed on (prebiotics). It also has beneficial substrates (fuels) that these beneficial bacteria produce (post-biotics) such as short-chain fatty acids that help to improve your gut health, along with providing a readily usable fuel for your body (and brain!).

Vita Biosa contains:

  • Around 2 billion CFU of eight strains of live, active, lactic acid bacteria per serving (Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactococcus lactis, Streptococcus thermophilus)
  • Prebiotics to fuel the beneficial bacteria in Vita Biosa and in your gut!
  • Lactic acid and acetic acid which helps to preserve the best pH (acidity level) for the beneficial bacteria to thrive, while inhibiting pathogens (‘bad bugs’!)
  • These organic acids also provide valuable fuel for other beneficial bacteria in the gut, as well as providing fuel to the cells of the gut lining and to your entire body and brain!
  • 19 organic herbs to help reduce inflammation and improve gut health, as well as provide additional nutrients.

"Vita Biosa is a complete, living, active ecosystem of health-promoting herbs, cellular fuels, organic acids, and a range of the most beneficial bacteria for the gut and overall health."


Vita Biosa is more than just prebiotics and more than just probiotics! It’s a complete, living, active ecosystem of health-promoting herbs, cellular fuels, organic acids, and a range of the most beneficial bacteria for the gut and overall health.

Gut Health is Important?

The digestive system is the gateway to the body for most of the chemicals and compounds that we either want to take in (to nourish us) or keep out (because they are pathogens of harmful chemicals). So, it’s fair to say that the health of the digestive system affects the health of the whole body and that, as a result, ‘gut health’ is a hot topic for good reason

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